Another delivery....

As I mentioned in my last blog, what seemed very strange and different, has become the norm. 
Seeing a city practically devoid of cars, buildings destroyed, few people in the street. No schools open. Children who first had to learn online due to COVID, now have the war. 4-5 years of ordinary school lost. What will be the long term consequences for these children?
It's the norm to hear mortar fire, explosions and artillery fire. Random drone attacks on individual cars continue. Today, an ordinary car in an ordinary street was targeted by a Russian drone. Two women were murdered, a 72 year old and a 56 year old. 

People I meet seem resigned to the fact that they will have to face another long difficult winter. The Russians, a few days ago destroyed power infrastructure, even though this is classified as a war crime. No running water for 3 days in large parts of the city, nor electricity. The Ukrainians repaired this yesterday morning and there was water again. Then the Russians  attacked the same infrastructure. But for all these challenges, people remain resilient.

Trawden in some small measure keeps helping. With monies donated we were able to buy food and basic household products, including rounds of cheese to be cut up and divided. The phrase I hear most of all is thank you for not forgetting. 
In a world where things seem to be forgotten fast, I'm really glad to be from a place that still cares.

And finally, new security guard at my local shop....

To make a donation, please:
1. Open PayPal and, when asked for name of payee or email, enter

Or, if you live in/near Trawden:
2. Use the Ukraine collection box in the community shop.


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